What the frig have they done?
Diamond Geezer has a lot more technical nous than me and he's really upset. Read his blog for an analysis of the complete cock-up Blogger seem to have made of the 'Create Post' page.
I'm an ignoramus regarding HTML and want something simple like
Word Pad which allows me to use
italics and, what would be nice, underlining and font formatting (strikethroughs etc.) at the click of a button. Oh, and for Blogger to sort out the punctuation so I don't get question marks instead of apostrophes when I
copy and
paste from my offline document into the Post editor.
Blogging is, or in Blogger's case 'has been', one of the greatest democratising revolutions in Internet development since, well..... the invention of the Internet.
Adding steep learning curves to fairly instant posting is anti-democratic. I do not want to undergo this. Just give me back the buttons.
If I have to, and I don't want to, I'll find another blog host unless ......