I couldn't have said it better
1. If we're all still reeling from the shock of 59,424,706 people voting with their reptilian brainstems after letting a bunch of manipulative creeps define 'moral value' for them then there must be some consolation in the fact that 55,905,023 kept their eyes open and voted for Kerry. That nearly 56 million people in this country still believe in the things that make life worth living and hold out against the easy fix of revenge, greed and irresponsibility on a global scale is worth celebrating.
2. Socialist soccerphiles should take heart. The Presidential election does not tell the whole story. Inside the snorting, steroid-swollen, padded and armoured behemoth of George Bush's America - there's a gayer, girlier and more socialist America struggling to get out. And, (like John Kerry), it plays soccer.
3. Today, Dallas couldn't be made; billionaire oil deals run the globe, with none-too-hilarious results. Southfork Ranch has become the White House. "T-shirts abound," guffaws Larry (Hagman), saying, "'JR for President... Whoops! He already is!'"
4. Tis a very bright morning in east Northumbria (Ashington) but I feel a little gloomy ... obvious reasons, Bu-shites win, etc! Now, it's just a passing thought: Did the CIA put Osama bin Liner up to that spiffing jape of broadcasting to the American people just before polling day? Or is that a conspiracy theory too far? Probably! ...
Anyhow, let us gird up our loins and fight the bastards in whatever way we can...
A UK correspondent
I'm not going to get too worked up about Bush being re-elected 'cos there's not much this blogger can do to change the world. There are
some who say that the blogosphere exercises enormous power over political actions, more so than journalists who tend to lecture us. There may be some truth in this, but only if the world's leaders were to share their mundane musings with the rest of us. If Bush read
Kim Jong-Il's blog, would he be so anxious to talk about the evil of North Korea?
Of course, the world will continue to be changed with the righteous right in charge of the White House.
The biggest worry here must be that fundamentalist Christians and Muslims still believe in an eye for an eye and converting non-believers to their
brand of madness.
Simon's World continues to provide links to the Asian perspective on this week's election, as does
The Swanker.
And now it's time to go and buy some pirated DVDs to tide me over the coming Idul Fitri holiday. There's not much else to do.