My roof leaks in places I didn't need to fix last year.
My shoes leak.
We have to buy umbrellas to replace those lost by 'Er Indoors when she was out.
It's cold; temperatures fall to as low as 80ºF / 30ºC.
Mud gets traipsed everywhere.
TV reception is worse.
The rainy season coincides with the English football season.
Bugs surface - whining, biting mosquitoes and HUGE cockroaches.
There are more power cuts.
I have to disconnect my modem because of the electrical storms.
I do like the rainy season
Our desiccated garden turns green.
The water table rises so our well refills.
It's nice to have a shower au naturel.
I can wear my winter wardrobe.
The cat shit gets washed off the roof.
Dust and pollution levels are lower.
It coincides with the English football season.
I have a ready-made excuse for everything.
It gives me something to blog about.