Sorry, no post today as I haven't stopped since 7 this morning and have just got home in order to just go out to a
Halal BI Halal which is a gathering of local residents who chat in Bahasa Indonesia (so I don't really understand) about things of concern to local residents and we eat a lot of local food which is probably too spicy for me but I must eat it to be polite and not think about missing Everton v Liverpool on the box because it's probably Indonesia v Vietnam anyway, but I hope we're home in time to read the teletext results showing Charlton whopping West Brom, and we also get to elect the street leader, whose house we're meeting in, so we can re-elect him, which we would anyway 'cos he's a good guy and so's his wife, except she's not a guy because she's a she, so that's it.
Must dash.