Corruption is like a fart ......... you can smell it, but cannot see it.
Amien Rais
The most frequently asked question by those of us working in the blogging business is "So, what else is new?". It's a question that Jakartass asks, on behalf of readers about any new announcement, pronouncement or news item, especially if it concerns corruption. Not all of them are newsworthy, if news is defined in part by its freshness and by its having something new to convey. If it fails the test, it really is old news. And old news is no news to the increasingly skeptical and demanding public.Besides, who are we to judge?
According to
Ardiansyah Parman, the Ministry of Trade's director general of domestic trade,
critics ... had no business evaluating the results of his ministry's hard work, arguing that, "Judging the results is the territory of God".As having a religion is required in Indonesia - though unfortunately the Ministry of Religious Affairs is one of the most corrupt ministries here - all Indonesians (and, presumably expat bloggers)
are expected to follow Ardiansyah's advice. So, skeptics and demanders alike, you are invited to write your own post on Indonesia's corruption.
Google has just over 1 million pages archived and you will find 144 in the
Jakarta Post archived over the past year.
Help yourselves.
Or ask your God.