chez Jakartass Towers and elsewhere have conspired to prevent me from espousing environmental causes recently.
It is my contention that, to quote a line from Bertolucci's
Little Buddha, there is no salvation without a compassion for every other being.
To that end, I present a non-exhaustive list of mainly Indonesian links which demonstrate that we can all do our bit.
Indonesian EarthkeepersAshokaAshoka's mission is to shape a citizen sector that is entrepreneurial, productive and globally integrated, and to develop the profession of social entrepreneurship around the world. Ashoka identifies and invests in leading social entrepreneurs - extraordinary individuals with unprecedented ideas for change in their communities - supporting the individual, idea and institution through all phases of their career. Once elected to Ashoka, Fellows benefit from being part of the global Fellowship for life.Ashoka Fellows in Indonesia.
Suryo Wardhoyo Prawiroatmodjo founded Indonesia?s first centre for environmental education on the slopes of the sacred Penanggungan volcano, in east Java.
Sujana is
a roadcleaner in Bandung.who earns a very small income, but he admits that he is quite happy with his job, because he can do something for his earth.
Terranet - Indonesian Portal for Environment and Sustainable Development - has many links inc:
Club for Green Indonesia - Surabaya
Indonesian Foundation for Sustainable Development is a non-profit organization who cares on environment and sustainable development.
Animal Lovers
ProFauna Indonesia is a non-government organisation working for the protection of wild animals and their habitat, especially
It is supported financially by
Nature Travel Specialists who believe in the conservation of nature throughout the world, and of the traditions and values of the people of it. We feel that the best way for anyone to feel passionate about conservation is to experience its success, and to understand what can happen to wildlife, ecosystems, and scenic beauty without it.
Experience tells us that a person feels more strongly about something they have touched, seen first hand, or interacted with, than just read about or seen on television. While the latter are great tools, first-hand experience is far more powerful.
Working with animals can be so rewarding ! Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation has a sister organisation in
A survey by the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program (SOCP) found at least 1,000 orangutans in North Sumatra and Aceh provinces are disappearing each year due to poaching and loss of habitat.
Animal Nuts"I've seen five cases of adult males with infected penises caused by bad teeth." I must admit that I haven't closely examined that many squirrels -
tupai in Indonesian. However, if you're that concerned, then a step-to-step guide to trimming male squirrels' teeth can be seen
While you're at it, you may wish to shave its nose. Don't ask me why, but for those who do you could
practise on a stray cat first.
DirectoriesWorld Animal Net - Indonesia lists 34 Indonesian groups, many with their own website.
Planet Ark has a daily email newsletter of worldwide environmental news for concerned world citizens.