I ran outta gas! I had a flat tire! Locusts!
I came home full of good intentions and bright blogging ideas only to get sidetracked by one of the few movies I must have on DVD, haven't yet seen at any pirated disc outlet, but can watch again and again.
So I did, on Cinemax.
The Blues Brothers have (has?) eaten into my blogging time, so here are a couple of sites I've recently discovered which fit into the Jakartass remit of Alien Thoughts from Home and Home Thoughts from Abroad
Cyber Bali is a new, or rather revamped, site from an expat teacher who's lived in Indonesia for 17 years. Bruce Pohlmann, aka Sulaiman Jamal following his conversion in Islam in 1999, has put together a visually pleasing and easy to navigate site with a wealth of links. He gives an interesting perspective on an expat life spent mainly in the outer provinces; he is currently based in Sumbawa.
The site is well worth a browse and I'm sure I'll often be dipping in. You could start with his
Papua page then try some of the links to the left.
Nice one, Bruce.
Mementoes: A Pathologically Bored Jelly - like MindA self-centered adventurous nomad. Twenty something. Single and happy. Maniacal and friendly. Innocent-looking and deceitful. A closet geek. A silent observer. A non-conformist toward most of the eastern traditional values. In amusement-hate relationship with the so-called home country (Indonesia). Resides somewhere in the UK. Has an online journal since 11/11/2001. Plays nine balls. Coffee and fags. Amazing sex. Brit books and movies. Anime. Concerts and festivals. Extreme solitude. Currently abandons the searching for the meaning of life.Ms. Jelly lives in the UK but is Indonesian. I'm the opposite. She's also of a different generation, but I won't hold that against her and I hope she won't hold it against me. She likes anime. I don't. She likes sex. I do.
Hers is a unique and interesting voice.