Waste Not, Want NotI have just started a subscription to the
Nuclear Waste News newsletter. This might seem to be a very boring thing to do but, hey, not everyone thinks so.
This is a very exciting time for a nuclear energy revival. The last 30 years have seen vast improvements in nuclear science and technology. Innovations have also come about in all phases of radioactive waste cleanup, treatment, transport and disposal. Waste facilities, like nuclear facilities in general, are now safer, less subject to human error, and more efficient than ever before.
Can you afford not to stay on top of new developments in this rapidly changing field in the U.S. and abroad?
How could I resist?
New developments, note, are "
less subject to human error - safer and
more efficient."
Not that there's any certainty shown. More efficient than Cherobyl can still be bloody dangerous, so there's still a chance that some nincompoop will press the wrong button.
Yep, this surely is a very exciting time.