Summer In The CityEurope is 'suffering' from unusually tropical heat, so how come city dwellers there have
more things to do than those of us who live in a tropical city all year round?
This is not Jakarta - Why not?
Hot and thirsty Italians apparently have a vast range of refreshing drinks at
Aqua Store in Rome.
We can forgive the inefficiency of bottled water over the excellent water available from the tap (the Romans have a long history of bringing water efficiently to the people after all), in light of the fact that even healthy, tasty water can give a traveller unaccustomed to the local microscopic beasties a bit of a belly-ache.It is unfortunate, though, that with a plethora of Italian waters available (e.g. Roccetta),
the AQUA store finds it necesary to offer famous brands imported from France (e.g. Perrier)
, Germany (e.g. Appolinaris)
and the UK (e.g. Scotland's Glen Eagles)
among others.The next wave coming into the store will be iceberg water from Canada and Himalayan water from India. (NB. When I use
italics I am quoting. The 'we' in the above text does not include me.)
WISE Words World Information Service on Energy is an information and networking center for citizens and environmental organizations concerned about nuclear energy, radioactive waste, radiation, and related issues.
During the seventies, WISE Copenhagen developed the smiling-sun symbol. The revenues of the stickers and badges (pins for Americans) were used to finance the WISE network. Now you can order them, in many languages,
(How about one in Indonesian?)
Words cannot describe the exquisite loveliness of the brilliant azure sky with its cerulean striations of periwinkle, cornflower, and cyan.But the
winners of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest for Bad Writing 2006 have a bloody good try.
Todd languished there, neck deep in the pumpkin-hued Amargosa Desert sand like a long forgotten cupcake in an Easy Bake Oven gone hellishly amok, and it finally made sense . . . "ooohhhh, DEATH Valley."