Sausages and other nice stuffBy now, you'll know that I'm right chuffed to have had
a sausage dedicated to Jakartass.
In keeping with my false modesty, and because the inestimable
J-Walk Blog gave the link, I though I'd try and find
some other nice testimonials on the web.
Jakartass is great. I don't know what else to say. It really saves me time and effort. Thanks guys, keep up the good work! - John Collins
Keep up the excellent work. The very best. This is simply unbelievable!- Pam Wood
The more I use it, the more it impresses me. It really saves me time and effort. It's just amazing.- James Johnson
The service was excellent. Nice work on your Jakartass. Jakartass is awesome!- Elizabeth Reed
It makes my life alot easier. Thanks to Jakartass, we've just launched our 5th website! Thanks guys, keep up the good work!
- Steve Phillips
Wow, all that foolsome stuff has got me so over-excited, I'll have to lie down. Unfortunately, that won't be until Xmas which is (only?) three months away but, hey,
this is where we'll be. The restaurant will be catering to a cosmopolitan group of guests, so I wonder whether there this will be on the menu.
And if you're wondering why I've gone all seasonal, it hasn't got anything to do with Ramadhan being in full swing here. This, of course, will be concluded with Idul Fitri (24th and/or 25th October), the time of great feasting and present giving; the Muslim Christmas as it were.
No, it's because
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, on Monday and Tuesday this week, the
Diamond Geezer in London pointed out that it's time to start your Xmas shopping.
Shop Early For ChristmasBah, humbug. It's all a bit ridiculous, isn't it?
Because I prefer to live in the here and now, I'd be grateful for any early sightings of Xmas paraphernalia in Jakarta, or elsewhere in Indonesia, such as supermarket muzak of carols, sightings of santa, elves or grottoes. Let me know where the sighting occurs and then I'll have something else to blog about.