Unsynthesised ManifoldThe first attribute of the art object is that it creates a discontinuity between itself and the unsynthesised manifold.Discuss Germaine Greer wrote the sentence above in
an article published in the Guardian and she is somewhat unhappy that she has been awarded the Golden Bull Award by the
Plain English Campaign for it.
As she says, "
Most reasonably educated Guardian readers would, I faintly hope, have recognised the phrase "unsynthesised manifold" as an English version of a basic concept in Immanuel Kant's Critique of Judgment, first published in English in 1790 and familiarised in Britain by the work of Coleridge and just about anybody else who writes about aesthetic theory. The expression endures because in more than 200 years no one has found a better way of rendering the idea, although its content continues to evolve with changes in our understanding of brain function and the mechanics of perception."
Faint hopes indeed, Germaine. Still, as you acknowledge, you are full of Kant.
I can still remember the excitement of reading the Critique for the first time 50 years ago, and basking in the glow of Kant's beautiful mind."
And we also know why, as you slip into your senior years, you are getting somewhat cantankerous.
I was tempted to leave the above, or something similar, in
the comments below Ms.Greer's article. However, they are already manifold and could well make you laugh out loud if, like me, you are a "
reasonably educated Guardian reader".