Too busy to blogBut just time to note that, as reported in The Jakarta Post, there are now diagnostic kits for bird flu which means that confirmation of the presence of the killer virus can be given in two hours rather than the previous three to five days. This is, of course, wonderful news, especially as one third of the 180 bird flu deaths worldwide have been here.
The article also states that this test was announced in Hong Kong and China in 2004, yet won't be here for a couple of months more. Can someone say why it's taking so long for the test to be made available? How many more avoidable deaths will there be?
And this has been a whinge to be read by a fellow blogger, a bottom feeder (
his words, not mine), a sole brother by the name of
Achmad Sudarsono who, again in his words, is an emerging Indonesian writer, philosopher, social critic, historian and political commentator.
He has obviously benefited greatly from his western education.