Super Kalla Fragilistic Expiali Dotious ....?For once (just once?) VP Yosef Kalla has said something sensible. He was talking about the economy this week and let drop this pearl:
Indonesia would be able to achieve higher growth if it jettisoned its complacent mentality."
He then rabbited on about mastering key economic strengths, whatever they are.
It didn't take me long in today's Jakarta Post to find a wonderful example of "complacent mentality", a follow up to the news of the leak of radioactivity waste at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant.
Government to go ahead with nuclear power project is the headline of an Associated Press story.
The Indonesian government is determined to build a nuclear power plant despite fears prompted by the damage caused to a Japanese reactor this week, a government official said yesterday.
We installed a seismograph at Muria Peninsula a long time ago and the results are quite stable,"
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Purnomo Yusgiantoro said, referring to the designated site for the nuclear power plant.
The government could still choose another site if the area in Central Java turned out to be unsafe, he added.
Perhaps Pak Kalla could ask Pak Yus if that would be before or after the earthquake.
Labels: nuclear power, social psychology