Blog Action Day
Blog Action Day on October 15th is about bloggers around the world coming together around a common theme. This year, the theme is the environment.The best way to participate is to post on your blog something that relates to the environment. Your post can be about anything to do with the environment. So you could write a post which is off topic for your blog OR relate the environment back to your topic in some way.For example, if you had a blog about programming and technology, you could write about applications used for the environment, how to make your office more sustainable, how to stop wasting paper, why technology will save the environment, or just write about an environmental issue which has nothing to do with programming!As another example, if you wrote about restaurants, you could write about kitchen practices that make for a more environmentally friendly workplace, food packaging, produce made from sustainable farming or any of a multitude of topics.What works best is to keep writing as you normally would. Your audience reads your blog for a reason, you don't need to suddenly change your voice, style or emphasis. Simply find an angle on your regular postings which relates to the environment.Our aim is to get people thinking, discussing, questioning and talking about the environment, from every angle, niche, viewpoint and personality.
Don't forget to register your blog.
Blog Action Day is and will ever be, simply a vehicle for bloggers to work together to create a better world...........................................
If you do register, please
email me, preferably before Hari Raya Idul Fitri this weekend, and I'll add your site to the host of 'green links' I intend to post.
Caveat: This has absolutely no connection with the Pesta Blogger which is being organised by a bunch of non-co-operative self-promoters.