Clean, Transparent and ProfessionalThat's the Jakarta Education Department, or so they say.
By "clean", I presume we are meant to assume that they are not corrupt and that the office isn't managed by one of the two ethnic groups prevalent in City Hall.
"Transparent" could have a similar connotation. However, if it refers to the English on
their website, then transparency refers to your ability to comprehend what follows.
The fact that their English is singularly crap and that they didn't even bother to venture down to Jalan Jaksa on a Friday night to ask one of the relaxing English teachers there to proofread the appalling mess that is below, smacks of a total lack of professionalism.
This column just to news Top in around education.- In Morning With Margani M Mustar
Keeping abreast of education world of that's everyday in correct readinging by head On Duty DIKMENTI Provinsi DKI Jakarta, either through kliping of through Newspaper of and also news of through media Internet . Do not seldom Bang Margani ( Chummy Greeting ) often stir to collect info education world , and surely library do not be overcome . Such as those which in tracing by Editor
" I am as steward socialize in the world of education in jakarta , have to be more comprehend education khususnnya method growth which must be applied to the fore , for the shake of school peripheral progress supporter ( Kepsek & Teacher ) and student.What is student psychology growth in my era moderen.To be have to update in Keeping news growth ". Said " .
Good News
Local government of DKI finally will give prosperity subsidy to assistive teacher of Rp 500.000 per month. Others, prosperity subsidy learn ber-NIP 15 and the erratic officer is which from the beginning Rp 500.000 (c.US$52) per month will go up to become Rp 750.000 per month. NB. This website hasn't been updated for quite a while, which reinforces my disdain for the so-called professionalism of City Hall employees - and elected officials.
I am indebted to Isman for alerting me to the site. Isman is/was one of the first bloggers in Indonesia and calls himself The Fool In Bandung. He may be in Bandung, but he sure ain't a fool.