Think outside the box(This post, which is subject to constant revision, will remain on this page until February. Please check below for posts before then.)............................................................
In a well-received speech to the delegates at the Bali Climate Change Conference in December, SBY was able to convince the USA delegation that to avoid universal condemnation, they ought to join the global consensus. This is part of what he said:
Future generations will remember whether we rose to the occasion and seized the opportunity before us or let it slip through our fingers. Too much is at stake. It is time to think outside the box.
I commented then that with the destruction of Indonesia's rainforests and the country's reputation as the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases through the draining of its peatlands, then perhaps Indonesia should make an effort to put its own house in order.
The principle is simple:
people in greenhouses shouldn't throw stones.
There are some obvious macro solutions such as a moratorium on the issuance of logging and plantation permits whilst a thorough environmental audit is conducted of those projects underway. However, it is the small initiatives which have the greatest consequences. After all, every tall tree starts off as a seedling.
As Jakartass, I am asking folk to join in a group writing exercise which will be published throughout February.
A specific website has been set up to host all contributions and I am hopeful that this will be an ongoing think tank. If you are interested in contributing ~ and many thanks to all of you who already have ~
please email me.
I am hopeful that the group writing effort initiated by Pelf in Malaysia will have proved to be a model of co-operation.