Try Reading These
If you're in Indonesia trying to access blogs hosted by Blogger, you may find that Telkom won't let you. Why? Conspiracy theories abound, but I prefer to think that it's the typical WTF Indonesian incompetence and general lack of corporate social responsibility.
But I'm nice like that.
Certain matters, including a lengthy bout of flu, mean that I'm easing off writing for a day or so, so here are a few suggestions to keep you amused while I'm out.
Two - or is it one? - yet-to-arrive expats have both linked to Jakartass, thanks ladies, and they've made some interesting discoveries of new (to me)blogs which are hopefully of interest to you.
Maya is expecting to be in Medan come July and her friend
Kay may end up in Korea thanks to one of those WTF things which regularly happen here. Wherever they end up, they show evidence of not wishing to walk in all unknowing.
Stephen Davidson's
Faces of Indonesia is his celebration of the beautiful people of this country. His aim:
to post Indonesian faces until something prevents me. I will take photographs of faces wherever I go in Indonesia. He also has
a website for the rest of his portfolio.
Maya links to
Ask Miree who answers emails on Whats New (in) Jakarta. The site is akin to a personalised Yellow Pages ~ folk have asked about "Disney on Ice" shows, restaurant supplies companies, where to fix luggage wheels and the location of kickboxing schools. She also has
a newsletter, although I haven't yet received a copy.
I've also discovered a
Jakarta Events site which is for the younger nightbirds.
Jak Snaps is the title of a relatively new blog by Solenn, a French free-lance journalist, and Matt, who teaches in an international school. They have been living in Indonesia, presumably Jakarta, since April 2007.
These next two expat Indonesian blogs I should have linked to before.
Elyani's Place is personal but well-written, whilst
Rima Fauzi is
a penniless recovering shopaholic who live life by this quote: "I have the simplest tastes, I am only satisfied by the best" - Oscar Wilde. But I am so much more than that. I am a singer, a songwriter, a poet, plus size model, a wife, a lover, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a writer, a partner, a listener, a chef and a baker. Do you want to hear my music?If she makes music as well as she writes her opinions, then probably yes.