If I were American .......
...... like a good proportion of the visitors to Jakartass, I would vote for Obama in the Presidential Election. Not because he spent a few years in Jakarta, not because he is ethnically mixed, not because he is young and not for any reason other than that the more I read about McCain, the more I fear for the future of Humanity.
- The Republican candidate has openly joked about bombing Tehran.
- A close examination of McCain's campaign workers, political allies and backers reveals a dense world of dubious loyalties, uber-lobbyists and powerful corporate interests.
- One of McCain's closest aides and senior counsel is Charlie Black who, for decades, worked as one of the most powerful lobbyists in Washington DC.
His firm represented some of the most unpleasant dictators in modern history, among them the Philippines' Ferdinand Marcos and Zaire's kleptomaniac president Joseph Mobutu.
- The company of Doug Goodyear, McCain's former convention chairman, was paid to improve the image of Burma's brutal dictatorship.
- Another McCain-backer, Ohio preacher Rod Parsley, has spouted hate about Muslims.
Parsley, whom McCain called a 'spiritual guide', believes America was founded partly in order to destroy Islam. He has called Mohammed a 'mouthpiece of a conspiracy of spiritual evil' and has supported prosecuting people who commit adultery.
- McCain holds deeply conservative views, including proposing teaching the creationist idea of Intelligent Design in schools alongside evolution.
- McCain has also always been anti-abortion.
- He is talking about building 45 more nuclear power plants.
Much of the info above has come from the UK Observer and Women For John McCain.