4. The local Carrefour hypermarket has little economic nous. Why else sell 6 disposable Gillette razors which have swivelling heads, soap strips, double blades - the complete works, at two-thirds of the price of a pack of five heads with the complete works?
5. Those who can - do. ---Those who can't - teach. ---Those who can't teach - manage schools.
6. Television is the opium of the masses.
7. Most folk can't see beyond their noses.
8. Pinochio was long-sighted.
9.The kids who are growing up surrounded by (cyber) technology will have better hand-eye co-ordination than their parents, but shorter attention spans. They will be better at holding many things in their heads at once, but worse at remembering them afterwards. fr.Review of Cyburbia - The Dangerous Idea That's Changing How We Live And Who We Are by James Harkin. pub. Little, Brown 2009.
10. As a vegetarian I instinctively flinch when offered a meal with 'artificial' - looks like, tastes like - meat.
11. There's nowt wrong with alternative protein sources, such as tempeh, a miracle food.
12. You don't need to understand how a pencil is made in order to use it.
13. I wish I knew more about how to 'tweak' the template of this blog.
14. Most religions have tolerance at their core and are inherently good for us.
15. Most religions have hard-core followers who are inherently bad for us.
16. Hard-core followers are not radical, in the sense of seeking change. The word is an oxymoron and they are morons.
17. Keeping a diary makes you happier, it says here. I'm not sure about that, but putting Jakartass together is somewhat fulfilling.
18. The rain in Jakarta floods the plain.
19. I'm not so much put off cycling as I'm put off drivers.
20. Few films are as rewarding as the books on which they're based. Atonement is a notable exception . (Watch Vanessa Redgrave's face as she closes the account - an astonishing performance.)
21. Dolores Hart's claim to fame was that she gave Elvis Presley his first screen kiss. And then, on the brink of a dazzling film career, she gave it all up to become a Benedictine nun. She still prays for Elvis who's now living on the dark side of the moon..
22. Indonesia Journeys, a series of broadcasts about Democracy - Indonesian style on the BBC World Service starts this Wednesday (25th). They could be worth tuning in to. Check for times here - 10.00, 15.00 and 20.00 WIB, I think - and listen to a preview here. (Shouldn't that be 'Prelisten'?)
23. There are times when I can't think of anything to write. Hence no.23.
24. Like Our Kid does now, I didn't, and still don't, understand the mathematics I was taught. I've used very little of it since.
25. At least I can count from 1 - 25, so that's your lot.