1,500 Posts
My first post was on 21st March 2004, so this means that I've missed posting on one day out of four. And here are some more not very important numbers.
750,000 Words
Calculated at a rough average of 500 words per post.
Daily Visits
These have been relatively stable at about 100 per day. However, as there are c.125 who get my updates through RSS or email subscriptions, I'm more than happy to have more regular readers than those who've surfed in by chance or googled key words. Google, incidentally, account for 84% of search engine visits. However, it's pleasing to note that numerically, links from other websites outnumber these.
Apart from weekends, including Fridays, daily visits are fairly consistent at c.15% each.
Geographical Reach
In broad terms, Asia (52%), Europe (21%) North America (18%) and Oceania - eh? - (7%) account for the majority of visits, with Africa, South America and Central Asia barely figuring, perhaps due to the vast spaces, poor internet infrastructure. Oh, and lack of relevance.
My Cluster Map gives a nice pictorial overview.
Indonesia (36.12%), the United States (15.88%) and the United Kingdom (11.27%) are the top three, followed by Australia, Malaysia and Singapore. However, I think special mention should be made of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. I hope my 'message' of pluralism and peace echoes a little.
55% still use Internet Explorer (5-8) with Firefox/Mozilla (0-3) users taking 36%. About .44% have accessed the site through their mobile devices including one person who's accessed Jakartass through his PSP. I suspect it's Our Kid.
Nigh on 88% still use Windows, with XP remaining by far the most popular version. It's the one I use.
Unless I delete the site, I know that when I cease blogging Jakartass will live on in hyperspace. That's fine with me as it's my sincere hope that what I have said - and yes, I'm an 'opinionated old fart' who likes to spout off - will continue to resonate. I started it with the intent of keeping faraway family and friends informed, of having those conversations and discussions which I'd prefer to have in their convivial company in a pub with decent beer.
Some - hi AV, DPQ, Anita F, Leonardo and Miko - have indeed shared a beer or three with me thanks to my Jakartass persona. Other friends are newly met online but not yet face-to-face - hi Anong, Marmalade and Dilligaf in Jakarta, and Rima, Oigal, Anita Mc.and Madame Chiang elsewhere.
I don't have trillions of 'friends' on Mugshots and don't twitter inconsequentially, and if you're bothered that I don't accept your invitations to join this, that or t'other so-called 'social' network, then try telephoning me instead.
My friends have my number.