A Way With Words Every year I stock up with loads of links which seem to be interesting at the time but I never use because they are irrelevant to any particular post. I'm giving away these worthy words as my Christmas Gift to you.
1. 50 Ways That The Internet Has Changed Our LivesFor the better?
For example:
Is the art of correspondence lost? Maybe for some, but I correspond much more, with many more people, in more languages, and in many more countries than what I could ever have done with paper. And it is real writing, not SMS-lingo.Read the comments and decide.
And do you really want
battery operated books?
2. Guardian Archives Twittererised1927OMG first successful transatlantic air flight wow, pretty cool! Boring day otherwise *sigh*1940W Churchill giving speech NOW - "we shall fight on the beaches ... we shall never surrender" check YouTube later for the rest1961Listening 2 new band "The Beatles"1989Berlin Wall falls! Majority view of Twitterers = it's a historic moment! What do you think??? Have your say 1998Wow. Habibie is Prez. Pretty cool eh??
3. Weird and Wonderful WordsTest your knowledge of the extraordinariness of English with this quiz, drawn from
The Wonder of Whiffling by Adam Jacot de Boinod (pub.Particular Books 2009)
I scored 5 out of a possible 10.
This means that I'm
not quite so much of a goostrumnoodle [fool] as I
might be, but I'm
still two ants short of a picnic. As the Aussies would say, the wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead. 4. Wise Words I may have linked to a similar list before but I can't remember. Maybe
I should have thought of this one:
A closed mouth gathers no foot.Or this one.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes.5. Our Kid is really pococurante because, as a teenager, he is indifferent, nonchalant and has an apathetic attitude towards the upkeep of his habitat. I know that because the word is one of
20 Wonderful Words Which Shouldn’t be Allowed to Wither.
6. Loo PaperThe Jakartass Towers little room, karzie, bathroom, WC or whatever you call it, has loads of reading material, mainly music magazines, which is most suitable for time spent in the privacy of a privy.
I know of no public toilets which have similar facilities. Come to think of it, I can't think of any public toilets in Jakarta!
Whatever, in the westernised world, the walls of private stalls in public and corporate toilets are often used for writing graffiti, some of which can be quite amusing rather than scatological.
The handwriting on the wall said
Cheer up, things could be worse.
So I did and they were
This page from the BBC is a fascinating read, so take your laptop with you next time you go.
Pens and markers are optional.
Finally, if you're not already over-lexified (a word I've just invented), do check out Michael Quinion's wonderful
World Wide Words.
A recent edition of his e-magazine has a selection of this year's 'words of the year' complied by various dictionaries.
I trust you will continue to read my little ramblings and rants and don't unfriend me.
Until the end of this year, I'm posting everything on my new WordPress site as well as here. Past comments have been transferred but new ones won't be. So if you want to comment, please don't put them here but there instead.